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Department of Health and Human Services

Annual Technical Progress Reports

Due:  When progress reports are due can be determined at this website Progress report due dates are also available in the eRA Commons Status system.

Format:  All AHRQ progress reports due in FY 2015 (10/1/14 –9/30/15) and beyond are due 3 months before the anniversary of the award. One should use se the eRA Commons RPPR module. Research Performance Progress Report (RPPR)  - detailed instructions with screen shots.       

How to Submit:  All AHRQ grantees, except recipients of multi-year funded (MYF) awards are strongly encouraged to use the RPPR.  Effective January 1, 2015, AHRQ will require all grantees, exclusive of MYF awards, to use the RPPR and will no longer accept paper PHS 2590 annual progress reports.  Recipients of MYF awards should continue to submit paper PHS 2590 progress reports in accord with the terms of the award, until instructed otherwise.  Select the Submit button from the RPPR Menu screen. Then Select the I Agree button to sign off on the certification. If Warnings Exist, to address issues associated with warnings, select the Cancel button, correct the issue, and resubmit the RPPR again. To continue with submission despite the warnings, select the OK button.   

Final Technical Reports

Due:  It must be submitted to AHRQ's Grants Management within 90 days of the project end date of a grant

Format:  The Final Progress Report is subject to a 20-page limit (minimum of 4 pages). Reports exceeding 20 pages will not be accepted. The report format should follow the AHRQ Grant Final Report Template at:

How to Submit:  Submit the Final Progress Report as an electronic file attachment via Email to: The only acceptable format is Word®. PDF files are not acceptable for the Final Progress Report. Information found here

Questions or concerns, email,

Annual Technical Progress Reports

Due:  Semi-Annual Progress Reports


How to Submit:  Reports sent by e-mail should be sent to the e-mail address: and copied to the grantee’s Program Officer.

Final Technical Reports

Due:  The Final Report takes the place of the Semi-Annual Report at the end of the final year of the grant.


How to Submit:  Reports sent by e-mail should be sent to the e-mail address: and copied to the grantee’s Program Officer.

Questions or concerns, email,

Annual Technical Progress Reports

Due:  If an award is issued under the SNAP (Streamlined Noncompeting Award Process) provisions, the progress report is due the 15th of the month preceding the month in which the budget period ends. f an award is not issued under the SNAP provisions, the progress report is due the first of the month preceding the month in which the budget period ends. Progress Reports for MYF awards are due annually on or before the anniversary of the budget/project period start date of the award. The reporting period for a MYF progress report is the calendar year preceding the anniversary date of the award.

Format - detailed instructions with screen shots.

How to Submit:  All progress reports must be submitted using the RPPR.  The RPPR is a federal-wide progress report that replaced eSNAP; it allows extramural grantee institutions to submit an electronic version of the Progress Report to the NIH via a web interface (See Guide Notice NOT-OD-13-035). The RPPR will eventually replace the use of the PHS 2590 for non-SNAP awards.

Final Technical Reports

Due:  All applicable closeout reports are due no later than 120 days after the project end date. Failure to submit timely and accurate final reports may affect future funding to the organization and/or awards with the same PD/PI.


At a minimum, the Final Progress Report should include:

A statement of progress made towards the achievement of originally stated aims

A list of results (positive and/or negative) considered significant

A list of publications resulting from the project, including plans, if any, for further publication.

A copy of reprints or publications not previously submitted should accompany the Final Progress Report. If publications have been submitted to the PubMed Central (PMC) archive, a reference to the PMC submission identification number may be included in lieu of submitting a hard copy.

Reports on the inclusion of gender and minority study subjects (using the gender and minority inclusion table as provided in the PHS2590)

  • Indication of whether children were involved in the study or how the study was relevant for conditions affecting children.
  • Description of data, research materials (e.g., cell lines, DNA probes, and animal models), protocols, software, or other information resulting from the research that is available to be shared with other investigators and how it may be accessed.

How to Submit:    The Final Progress Report is accessible via the Closeout Status screen. To submit your Final Progress Report:

1. Select the Requires Closeout link for the grant from Status search results.

The Closeout Status screen displays. Final Progress Report is listed in the Closeout Submission Requirement column. The Action column should include a link for Process Final Progress Report.

2. From Closeout Status, select the Process Final Progress Report link.

The Closeout - Upload Final Progress Report screen opens. From this screen, you can upload your report. Note that the report must be in an Adobe PDF format.

IMPORTANT: eRA has recently updated the Closeout screens for PIs (and delegates) based on our new standards. SOs will see similar changes in a future release. Refer to the appropriate steps and images provided for your eRA Commons role.

3. Closed Follow the steps for uploading based on your Commons role.

PI version of screen

Closeout-Upload Final Progress Report screen

4. Select the Submit button.

In a separate window, a certification statement displays.

APPLICANT ORGANIZATION CERTIFICATION AND ACCEPTANCE: I certify that the statements herein are true, complete and accurate to the best of my knowledge, and accept the obligation to comply with Public Health Services terms and conditions if a grant is awarded as a result of this application. I am aware that any false, fictitious, or fraudulent statements or claims may subject me to criminal, civil, or administrative penalties.

5. Select the OK button to continue.

You can select Cancel if you have made a mistake and need to return to the Closeout - Upload Final Progress Report screen

Annual Technical Progress Reports

Due:   All SAMHSA awards require quarterly, semi-annual, or 12-month progress reports. SAMHSA will provide you with guidelines and requirements at the time of award and at the initial grantee orientation meeting after the award.

Format:  You must submit these progress reports per the terms and conditions of your Notice of Award (NoA). Check your NoA for frequency (quarterly, semi-annual, annual) and the submission process.

Recipients should include the official grant number on all submissions in the subject line of the email. All progress reports, as required in the NoA, should be sent to (link sends e-mail) with a copy to your GPO.

How to Submit: 

Final Technical Reports

Due:   All SAMHSA awards require quarterly, semi-annual, or 12-month progress reports. SAMHSA will provide you with guidelines and requirements at the time of award and at the initial grantee orientation meeting after the award.

Format: The final progress report (FPR) should be prepared in accordance with the terms and conditions of the initial Notice of Award (NoA) and/or based on instructions provided by the SAMHSA Program Official listed at the bottom of your latest NoA under Contacts. It should cover the entire project period and include, at a minimum, an overview of the goals and objectives accomplished during the funding period identified in the grant application. If assistance is required to complete the FPR, please contact the Program Official.

How to Submit:  All the required final reports must be submitted by email to grant.closeout@

Questions or concerns, email,

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