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Department Of Defense

Annual Technical Progress Reports

Due: Schedule in the award document

Format: Use the AFOSR Report Submission Form found here,  The abstract should be at least 250 words; please list any accomplishments that have been made since the last report submission.

How to Submit:  Submit here

Final Technical Reports

Due:   Schedule in the award document

Format:  Use the AFOSR Report Submission Form found here,  The abstract should be at least 250 words; please list any accomplishments that have been made since the last report submission.

How to Submit:  Submit here

Questions or concerns, email,

Annual Technical Progress Reports

Due:  Annually, within 30 days after 31 July

Format:  Online submission is preferred and does not require a Standard Form 298. Technical Reports submitted via email or hardcopy must be identified by a completed Standard Form 298.  For detailed submission and formatting instructions, see ARO Form 18, "Reporting Instructions," found at

How to Submit:  Submit online at   or email 298 to and to your contract administrator.

Final Technical Reports

Due: Within 90 days following the expiration of agreement

Format:  Online submission is preferred and does not require a Standard Form 298. Technical Reports submitted via email or hardcopy must be identified by a completed Standard Form 298.  For detailed submission and formatting instructions, see ARO Form 18, "Reporting Instructions," found at

How to Submit:  Submit online to this site   or email 298 to and to your contract administrator.

Questions or concerns, email,

Due: Annual reports are due no later than 1 July of each year. Grants effective after 31 January will not require an Annual Report until 1 July of the following year.

Format:  The Annual Report shall contain the following items:

Cover Sheet: As a minimum, the cover sheet should include the following information: PI's name, Institution's name and address, and Grant number.

Objectives: List the objectives of the research effort or the statement of work. This may be omitted if there has been no change. State new or revised objectives if they have changed and the reason why.

Status of effort: A brief statement of progress towards achieving the research objectives. (Limit to 200 words).

Accomplishments/New Findings: Describe research highlights, their significance to the field, their relationship to the original goals, their relevance to the DTRA mission, and their potential application(s) to DTRA and civilian technology challenges.

Personnel Supported: List professional personnel (Faculty, Post-Docs, Graduate Students, etc.) supported by and/or associated with the research effort.

Publications: List peer-reviewed publications and theses submitted and/or accepted during the 12-month period starting the previous 1 October (or from the start date for new grants). Include full reference information, such as authors, journal, volume, page numbers, etc. or for conference proceedings, name, date and location of the conference, and proceedings publication information.


Participation/presentations at meetings, conferences, seminars, etc.

Consultative and advisory functions to other laboratories and agencies and other DOD laboratories. Provide factual information about the subject matter, institutions, locations, dates, and name(s) of principal individuals involved.

Transitions. Describe cases where knowledge resulting from your effort is used, or will be used, in a technology application. Transitions can be to entities in DOD, other federal agencies, or industry. Briefly list the enabling research, the laboratory or company, and an individual in that organization who made use of your research.

New discoveries, inventions, or patent disclosures.

Honors/Awards: List honors, degrees, and awards received during the Grant period. List lifetime achievement honors such as Nobel Prize, honorary doctorates, and society fellowships prior to this effort.

How to Submit:  Email the Annual Report to (file size must be less than 10MB). The file name should be the Year, ‘Annual Report’, and the Grant number, e.g. 2015 Annual Report HDTRA1-12-1-9999.

Final Technical Reports

Due:   The draft of the final technical report will be due not later than forty-five (45) days prior to the end of the period of performance.

Format:  The final report is more than an extension of previous annual reports. The final report shall be a comprehensive technical summary of the significant work accomplished. The final report, where it is not readily accessible in published form should, where applicable:

Clearly describe and illustrate the experimental equipment, setup, and procedures;

Characterize and tabulate collected/computed data in an appendix;

Sufficiently describe computational codes so they can be reproduced. Include a listing of the code in an appendix if possible and appropriate; and

When the research effort culminates in the production of one or more student theses or dissertations, in these cases, the most significant advancements and conclusions (equations, figures, relationships, etc.) should be included in an executive summary. The theses or dissertations should be attached as appendices only if they are not readily available. If they are, clearly reference them and how they can be obtained. Also include in the executive summary, cumulative lists of people involved in, and publications stemming from, the research effort. Do not include copies of already submitted or published articles in the final report.

Standard Form (SF) 298, Report Documentation Page, must be used. Item 13 of the SF-298 should contain a 100 to 200 word abstract summarizing technical progress during the reporting period. The SF-298 may be found on the Internet at:$file/SF298_e.pdf

The report style should be third person singular using past tense. Jargon, special symbols or notations, subscripts, mathematical symbols or foreign alphabet letters are not permitted. All of the report pages should be prepared for acquisition and distribution by DTIC. All of the report pages should be of good quality for copying purposes. No pages should be missing.

The format and standard required by your institution for the preparation of theses and dissertations shall be used for the final report. In the absence of any institutional standards, you may wish to refer to the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) document Z39.18-1987, “Scientific and Technical Reports: Organization, Preparation, and Production,” for guidance. The report may be obtained from:

American National Standards Institute, Inc. 1430 Broadway New York, NY 10018

It is anticipated that all final technical reports will be unclassified and that distribution will not be limited. However, for final technical reports that require a limited distribution as deemed necessary by DTRA, a Distribution List will be provided with the comments on the draft final technical report. The Distribution List should be formatted to match the rest of the report, placed at the end of the report, and added to the Table of Contents. The number of pages in the Distribution List should be added to the total page count and included in the total number of pages cited in Block 15 of the SF-298.

The draft of the final technical report (including a draft SF-298) must be submitted electronically as follows:

Within thirty (30) days, this draft will be reviewed by DTRA and comments will be provided to the Grantee to ensure the report complies with DTRA final report requirements. Such review and comment does not restrict the conduct or reporting of the project research findings/outcomes and, in accordance with Article 35, does not restrict Grantee's ability to publish. Grantee shall incorporate such requested changes so that the report incorporates and complies with agreement final reporting requirements terms. Final Technical Reports are due ninety (90) days after the expiration or termination of the award. The final submission should be made in accordance with the draft final report submission instructions.

FINAL METRICS FILE. A summary Final Metrics table (in MS Excel format) can be downloaded from the DTRA Basic and Fundamental Research Community Portal ( The Final Metrics table should be submitted with the Final Technical Report with any necessary narrative. The fields contained in the Final Metrics table include, but are not limited to: number of PIs, number of students supported, total number of peer reviewed publications, Hirsch Index, etc. The Final Metrics file shall contain data from all years of the award’s funded Period of Performance.

Email the final Metrics File to (file size must be less than 10MB). The file name should be ‘Final Metrics’ and the Grant number, e.g. Final Metrics HDTRA1-12-1-9999.

How to Submit:  Email the draft of the final technical report to (file size must be less than 10MB). The file name should be ‘Draft Final Report’ and the Grant number, e.g. Draft Final Report HDTRA1-12-1-9999.  Also email a copy to the Administrative Office identified in the Grant.

Questions or concerns, email,

Interim Progress Reports

Due: Annually, within 30 days after July 31st.

Format:  Find information regarding the format for online submission Online submission is preferred and does not require a Standard Form 298.  Technical Reports submitted via email or hardcopy must be identified by a completed Standard Form 298 found here,

Technical Reports are documents written for the permanent record to convey scientific and technical information on results obtained from activities relating to a single project, task, or agreement within the DoD R&D program.

How to Submit:  Submit reports to and if received special permission to send hard copy, mail hard-copy Reports to:

U.S. Army Research Office

ATTN: RDRL-ROS-I (Reports)

P.O. Box 12211

Research Triangle Park, NC, 27709-2211

Overnight express to:

U.S. Army Research Office

ATTN: RDRL-ROS-I (Reports)

4300 South Miami Blvd

Durham, NC 27703-9142

Final Progress Reports

Due: Within 90 days following the expiration of agreement

Format:  Find information regarding the format for online submission Online submission is preferred and does not require a Standard Form 298.  Technical Reports submitted via email or hardcopy must be identified by a completed Standard Form 298 found here,

How to Submit:  Submit reports to and if received special permission to send hard copy, mail hard-copy Reports to:

U.S. Army Research Office

ATTN: RDRL-ROS-I (Reports)

P.O. Box 12211

Research Triangle Park, NC, 27709-2211

Overnight express to:

U.S. Army Research Office

ATTN: RDRL-ROS-I (Reports)

4300 South Miami Blvd

Durham, NC 27703-9142

Questions or concerns, email,

5. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) 

Annual Technical Progress Reports

Due: One electronic copy of the assigned report is due by the date indicated in the Project Plan.

Format: For large reports, use SERDP FTP site found here,  The formatting instructions found on this site.

How to Submit:  Reports may be emailed to your designated program area Program Manager Assistant (PMA).  Large reports may be transmitted via the SERDP FTP site. Please contact your program area PMA to obtain the web address and login information.

Final Technical Reports

Due: One electronic copy of the assigned report is due by the date indicated in the Project Plan.

Format:  For large reports, use SERDP FTP site found here,  The formatting instructions found on this site.

How to Submit:  Please accompany all report submittals with a transmission letter. Reports may be emailed to your designated program area Program Manager Assistant (PMA); Large reports may be transmitted via the SERDP FTP site. Please contact your program area PMA to obtain the login information. 

Questions or concerns, email,

Annual Technical Progress Reports

Due:  The award terms and conditions shall prescribe the frequency with which the performance reports shall be submitted. Performance reports shall not be required more frequently than quarterly or less frequently than annually. Annual reports shall be due 90 calendar days after the award year; quarterly or semi-annual reports shall be due 30 calendar days after the reporting period. DoD Components may require annual reports before the anniversary dates of multiple year awards in lieu of these requirements

Format:  Recipients shall monitor the program and submit performance reports in accordance with this article and DoDGARs 32.51  Reports shall detail technical progress to date and report on all problems, technical issues, or major developments that arose during the reporting period.  The reports shall discuss each of the topics listed below:  

  1. A comparison of actual accomplishments with the goals and objectives established for the period, the findings of the investigator or both
  2. Reasons why established goals were not met, if appropriate.
  3. Other pertinent information including analysis and an explanation of cost overruns.

How to Submit:  Technical reports are submitted to the AFRL (Air Force Research Lab Program Manager listed within the grant.)

Final Technical Reports

Due:  The final performance reports are due 90 days after the expiration or termination of the award.

Format:  Recipients shall monitor the program and submit performance reports in accordance with this article and DoDGARs 32.51  Reports shall detail technical progress to date and report on all problems, technical issues, or major developments that arose during the reporting period.  The reports shall discuss each of the topics listed below:

A comparison of actual accomplishments with the goals and objectives established for the period, the findings of the investigator or both

How to Submit:  Technical reports are submitted to the AFRL (Air Force Research Lab Program Manager listed within the grant.)

Questions or concerns, email,

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